In a heart-wrenching incident, a vibrant young mother, Caitlin Faulder, has left her family in Hull devastated by her sudden and unexpected passing.

Caitlin, a 20-year-old resident of Gipsyville, was found unresponsive in her bed at her family home on Sunday, November 19. Living with her parents, Kellie and John Faulder, and her five-month-old daughter, Poppy, her untimely death is suspected to be the result of a heart attack during her sleep.

Photo Credit: Caitlin Faulder/Facebook

Photo Credit: Caitlin Faulder/Facebook

The news has left Caitlin’s younger sister, 19-year-old Charlotte Faulder, and the entire family and friends’ circle in deep sorrow. At such a tender age, she leaves behind a five-month-old infant. Everyone is heartbroken,” expressed Charlotte.

According to Charlotte, Caitlin had been enduring “a pain in her heart” for a few months. Despite her anticipation of Christmas and returning to work at Costa Coffee in Hessle, Caitlin had sought medical advice for her condition.

During her pregnancy, Caitlin underwent an ECG that showed an abnormality. Although medical professionals dismissed it as non-worrisome, the planned echo-scan when Poppy was six weeks old never materialized.

Photo Credit: Caitlin Faulder/Facebook

Photo Credit: Caitlin Faulder/Facebook

Charlotte, who shares siblings Chloe, 22, Joseph, 18, and Jasmine, 14, lamented the lack of concern from doctors. “When she went to the doctors, all they kept saying was ‘everything is normal, everything is fine, your blood pressure is fine’.” Charlotte shared that just the night before her passing, Caitlin was “absolutely fine – she was dancing and enjoying being with her daughter.”

Described as “the absolute life of the party,” Caitlin was an avid dancer, with a love for music, particularly enjoying Ed Sheeran and Christmas music. She had plans to decorate her Christmas tree and had already prepared and wrapped gifts for her daughter.

Photo Credit: Caitlin Faulder/Facebook

Photo Credit: Caitlin Faulder/Facebook

The heartbreaking events unfolded when Caitlin’s father, John, was alerted to Poppy’s cries early on Sunday. Rushing downstairs, he discovered Caitlin unresponsive. Despite swift action, Caitlin could not be revived. The ambulance team suspected a peaceful heart attack during her sleep. John, who also has heart failure, had to undergo checks as well.

In the wake of this tragic loss, the Faulder family has launched a GoFundMe page to seek assistance for Caitlin’s funeral expenses. Charlotte expressed the hope of raising £4,000 to provide Caitlin “the best send-off we can do” and to establish “something in her memory for Poppy.” Charlotte emphasized Caitlin’s financial dedication to her daughter, stating, “Caitlin didn’t have much money, but every penny she did have went on her daughter.”

Photo Credit: Caitlin Faulder/Facebook

Photo Credit: Caitlin Faulder/Facebook

Funeral discussions are underway, with the family considering Caitlin’s desire for cremation and contemplating a headstone in Hessle cemetery. Charlotte shared, “Caitlin loved Hessle. It will be somewhere for people to go and remember her.” Drawing inspiration from Caitlin’s response to her grandad’s passing, Charlotte reflected, “we’ve cried, now it’s time to dance and remember him.”

Sources: HullLive

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